Thursday, June 17, 2010

About letters and nuggets

I hate writing letters. I never know what kind of paper to use, if I should write it in pen or in pencil or in one of those cute glittery things, if I should seal the envelope or not. Nothing.
And then I don't know how to begin. I always start out writing a name, then erasing it and giving something a little more sentimental a try, and then erasing that and going back to just the name. Just like when having a wardrobe crisis - I always settle for what I tried on first.

Well, today I noticed how much harder it is to write a letter for you. I've written countless notes to you in class, billions of blog posts about you and us and our adventures, and even the random post card here and there. But a letter...

I hope you take into consideration everything we've gone through and I hope you find my attempt to explain my whole life to you right now unbearably cute. Or at least heartbreakingly honest. Because it's both. To me.

To you it'll be just sad and hard to get, I know. You'll think it's an excuse for a plain and simple "no", you'll think I'm overcomplicating things, you'll think I'm someone you were wrong about all along... And I hate it. But I do love you and you know it. You're the only one I can hold hands and walk with for two hours straight under the rain while we're lost and cold and hungry at an unfamiliar city - and still have fun.

And... well, enough with the drama. That's not what we're like. Happy nuggets day, silly :)


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