Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm writing a new story. This time it's about a compulsive liar. Yeah, it might be a bit autobiographical.


I'm starting to get really bouncy about the next few months because I think this time it will be for real. I think this time I won't be let down. I think this time things will not happen in my mind.


Let's see how I handle tomorrow, shall we? Hahah, now I know better. I know which drinks not to mix. Bem que me avisaram sobre "intoxicantes budistas". Acho que sei qual mistura faz deles "intoxicantes". Mas dependendo do caso, são eles que eu vou usar pra voar. Afinal de contas, O FIM ESTÁ PRÓXIMO!, como o mendigo bêbado da esquina falou. E nesse caso, todo mundo QUER voar. É estranho pensar que vamos voar juntos dessa vez.


Let anonymity go to hell. Or not. The doubt makes me wonder whether people mean what they say or not. In any case, thanks for last post's comment, Anonymous Stranger. If you really are who you claim to be, VALEU, GOSTEI MUITO DO ELOGIO. MAS... COMO VCS FICARAM SABENDO DO BLOG?? HAHAH VOU SENTIR SAUDADES.


Feeling a bit freaked out by a certain stalker I am no longer free to talk about. I mean, that's what stalkers do - they stalk. So I'll have to contain myself on that one. Ugh, hard to do, I tell you.


Going to Europe soon! Can't wait... After that there's China, and JFHADSJFHAS I LOVE MY LIFE!

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